Saturday, April 5, 2008


EGO - Edging God Out
AA’s R US - Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Unity Service
NEW - Nothing Else Worked
ISM - I Sponsor Myself
BS - Before Sobriety
NUTS - Not Using The Steps
RID - Restless, Irritable and Discontent
RID - Redefine Innermost Design

HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
Honest, Active, Loving, Tolerant
Hope, Acceptance, Love, Tolerane

HELP - Hope, Encouragement, Love and Patience
BATH - Behavior, Attitude, Thinking and Habits
Feeling Insecure, Numb and Empty
Free, Independent, New and Energetic
CRAP - Carry Resentments Against People
CARE - Comforting And Reassuring Each other
LET GO - Leave Everything To God Okay
CALM - Can Anger Leave Me?
CHAOS - Can’t Handle Another Overwhelming Situation
FAITH - Finding Answers In The Heart
Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him
For An Instant Trust Him
Facing All In Trusting Him
DEAD - Drinking Ends All Dreams
BEST - Been Enjoying Sobriety Today
BATH - Behavior, Attitude, Thinking, Habits

TRUST - Try Relying Upon Steps and Traditions
Teaching Recovery Using Steps and Traditions

THINK - The Happiness I Never Knew
TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More

TIME - Things I Must Earn

HOW - Honest, Open, Willing

HOPE - Hang On, Pray Everyday
Help Open People’s Eyes
Happy Our Program Exists
Helping Other People Everyday
Hearing Other Peoples’ Experience
Heart Open; Please Enter

ABC - Acceptance, Belief, Change
KISS - Keep It Simple…..Surrender
PACE - Positive Attitudes Change Everything
PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens
YANA - You Are Not Alone

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real
Failure Expected And Received
Face Everything And Recover
Frustration, Ego, Anxiety, Resentment
Forever Escaping And Retreating

FEEL - Feel, Experience, Express, Let go
SIT - Stay Into Today
SLIP - Sobriety Loses Its Priority
FIT - Faith, Intuition, Trust
PUT - Patience, Understanding, Tolerance
BUT - Being Unconvinced Totally
WHO - Willingness, Honesty, Open-minded
WHO ME? - Willingness, Honesty, Open-minded, Must Exist
YANA - You Are Not Alone
SWAT - Surrender, Willingness, Acceptance, Trust
RATTLE - Remember Always That Terrible Last Evening
BOGGLE - Bad Or Good, GOD Loves Everyone

CHANGE - Choosing Honesty Allows New Growth Everyday
Can Help Attract New Gifts and Energy

GRACE - Gently Releasing All Conscious Expectations
PEACE - Providing Experienced Attitude Changes Everyday
Praying Energetically Always Creates Ease
ACTION - Any Change Toward Improving One’s Nature
ANGER - Any No-Good Energy Rising
DENIAL - Don’t Even Notice I Am Lying
PROGRAM- People Relying On God Relaying A Message
WISDOM- When Into Self Discover Our Motives
WILLING- When I Live Life I Need God
SPONSOR - Sober Person Offering Newcomer Support Of Recovery
SOBRIETY - Stay Oerson Bffering Recovery Is Everything To You
FAILURE - Fearful, Arrogant, Insecure, Lonely, Uncertain, Resentful Emtpy
RACING - Real Alcoholics Centered Inward Needing God
STEPS - Solutions To Every Problem in Sobriety
GIFTS - Getting It From The Steps
GIFT - God Is Forever There

CARDS - Call your sponsor
Ask for help from your Higher Power
Read the Big Book
Do the Twelve Steps
Stay active in your group

(taken from